Sharex image segments
Sharex image segments

sharex image segments

is the gdigrab whatchamacallit threaded? just tried it on a better computer and it did ok furq: complains about a thread message queue, but it seems to report the proper framerate, ill test it real quick The only issue is that i cant get around the beep beep -tune zerolatency in sharex really then Ima give gdigrab a shot here and just see what that yields. Framerate of that is 60, and its locked to the desktops refresh rate because it has multiple types of motion, and a static background I just happen to be capturing an emulator in my test sample i assume it's not a game though because then you'd just use something with ogl/dx hooks for capturing I 'never' do anything larger than probably 1280x1024 and mostly everything is just a window on the desktop last time i tried it for a game it was not fast enough

sharex image segments

Actually, im gonna ask, but i assume that the gdi grab in ffmpeg is so slow its not worth looking at? Im going to pull up the capturer as a source and see if thats framerate is going funky or what because usually i only record things for 5-10 seconds Yeah but i like being able to draw a rectangle and record that honestly for screen capture on windows just use obs

sharex image segments

If i set vsync modes i get totally bizarre results Im lost as to if its the screen capture doohickey thing that sharex uses or ffmpeg being funky they have some kind of patent indemnification clause in there Im the retard that uses sharex to snag clips of things wow are you using an e5-2699 for a single livestream? I mean doing -threads 44 let me encode with veryslow instead of slow/slower So is it invalid of me to specify -threads and just let it do what it wants to do there's more than one option for encoding h264 in ffmpeg, it may depend on the specific encoder you're using I believe vertical resolution/16 is the limit, but x264 has frame-based threading which is generally better (and the default) some of them split the frame into segments for encoding (sliced threading) in which case there is a limit to the slicing. Is it true that according to google, only vertical resolution/40 threads can be used for encoding

sharex image segments

if i do -vsync 0 and it gives me ~10.5 fps of encoding, then do no vsync and i get 30 fps of encoding, and its coming from a live source Next message (by thread): ffmpeg.log.20190803.Previous message (by thread): ffmpeg-devel.log.20190824.Ffmpeg.log.20190826 burek burek at

Sharex image segments